We have been invited to help out at the Willows Park Concert and Fireworks Celebration event. This fun for the whole family event will be on Friday, July 19th, 2024, from about 5:00pm until the fireworks end. If you are only able to help out at the beginning or towards the end of the event when traffic is the busiest, that is ok, just let us know what timeframe you are available. This event brings in over 1,000 attendees, and we need as many hands as possible to assist with directing cars to the 5 parking areas, keeping people safe and away from the fireworks area, and controlling cars from entering the area right before and during the fireworks display.
Friday, July 19, 2024, starting at around 5:00p until the fireworks end
Rain Date: 7/20/2024
Location: Willows Park, 490 Darby Paoli Rd, Villanova, PA 19085
Signup Details
Please visit our Event Signup Page to sign up for this event, or simply reply to this email.
Event Details
Willows Park Concert & Fireworks Celebration
Friday, 7/19 (Rain Date 7/20) – 5:00 PM - Concert at Mansion; Fireworks at Pond
- General awareness for all/1,000+ in attendance
- PW fireworks radius set up + parking allocations in advance of event
- PW support staff needed (potentially 3-5) for trash, water and ice; cones/barricades, tables, generators, logistics, etc.
- PW needed support for light standards, will provide map later as needed
- PD close Darby-Paoli Road for Fireworks
- PD support with command vehicle for lighting at dusk
- PD Sign Board needed along Darby-Paoli Road to communicate event Traffic Implications
- Parking support will be needed
Attached is the map for the event (from last year).